Friday, July 3, 2015

Northeast Delta Dental Mount Washington Road Race
                     2nd Series, final race #5

Saturday, June 20, 2015 turned out to be a perfect day for the final race of the 2nd Northeast Uphill Mountain Series…the 55th Northeast Delta Dental Mount Washington Road Race!
Joe Gray won the race in American Record time of 58:15, second fastest time in the history of the race! Following Joe was Andy Wacker, 2nd in 1:00:59 and Zach Miller, 3rd in 1:03:15.
Kim Dobson was the woman’s winner in 1:11:39 followed by Brandy Erholtz in 2nd in 1:15:34 and in 3rd was Laura Haefeli in 1:17:00.
Donna Smyth led runners in the series with a time of 1:41:21 and placed 3rd in her age group. Her CSU women’s (over age 50) team won the senior division AND masters! Pictured below is Donna, with teammates Suzy West and Jackie Shakar!

Donna on course with Steve Peterson just behind. Gianina Lindsey photo

Jackie Shakar, Donna & Suzy West

 Next up was Walter Kuklinski running a fine 1:58:45! This was also Walter’s 30th consecutive finish!

Walter on course. Gianina Lindsey photo

Walter was thrown a nice celebration for his 30th consecutive finish!

Laura Shortell improved last years time by 20 minutes! She finished in 2:01:19

Laurel on course. Gianina Lindsey photo

I brought up the rear in 2:14:16.

As I approached the finish, Peter Maksimow (who had finished 5th!) came up to me and took my camera to record my finish! Thanks are a "Rock" Star!!! :)
Laurel, Walter and I attained Mountain Goat status by finishing all 5 races. This gained us a lottery by-pass into next year’s Northeast Delta Dental  Mount Washington Road Race thanks to the Mount Washington Auto Road!!!
AND, in the money, based on a runners 4 best race combined points, was Walter with 232.83 and Laurel winning with 203.94 and earning a check for $75 each. In second was Donna with 193.97 and I with 219.12 earning $50 each. In third was Dick Hoch with 121.67 earning $25. Thanks to my hometown running club, the Red Clover Rovers, for proving these prizes!

2014 – 2015  2nd Series Final Standings:
Total Points;
                               Rtttovt Greylock Whiteface Ascutney Mt Washington             
1) Walt Kuklinski   52.93  +  57.76  +  61.52  +  60.62  +  49.05  +  281.88
2) Fred Ross III        49.33  +  60.21  +  57.69  +  51.89  +  43.38  +  262.50
3) Laurel Shortell   40.70  +  49.54  +  50.94  +  55.45  +  48.01  +  244.64
4) Donna Smyth     66.88  +  00.00  +  00.00  +  69.62  +  57.47  +  193.97
5) Dick Hoch            37.68  +  42.98  +  41.01  +  00.00  +  00.00  +  121.67
Points   best 4 races      1st = $75      2nd = $50      3rd = $25  
1)     Walter - $75        232.83
2)     Fred - $50            219.12
3)     Dick - $25            121.67
1)     Laurel - $75         203.94
       2)     Donna - $50        193.97

      Continuous Streak;
1)     Laurel      11   +   1   =   12
2)     Fred         10   +   1   =   11
3)     Walt          4   +   1   =   5
4)     Donna       1   +   1   =   2
5)     Dick           0   +   0   =   0

Total All Time Finishes;
1)     Laurel       11   +   1   =   12
2)     Fred          10   +   1   =   11
3)     Donna        5   +   1   =   6
4)     Walt           4   +   1   =   5
5)     Dick            3   +   0   =   3

    All Time Total Series Points;
1)       Laurel         574.17
2)       Fred            568.26
3)       Donna        384.67
4)       Walt           281.88
5)       Dick            121.67
3rd series begins with the North Face Race to the Top of Vermont on Sunday, August 23rd in Stowe, Vermont     
         link  @

***   I will update info on the 3rd Series shortly   ***

    Below are a few of the 600 pictures I took on race day, enjoy J

We arrived early and had a looong line leading from Rte 16 into the parking area!

Tons of folks on this glorious day and great views!

Lots of portable toilets and all had long lines!

This is the view that all but 19 runners, of 1,052 finishers, would have of Kim Dobson during the race!

As race time approaches, the runners are called to line up.

Dave Dunham and Jacqueline Gareau wish each other good luck.

Winner Joe Gray is the last to line up...

...and they are off!

Amazing line of runners with the leaders out of sight, heading up into the trees!

George Etzweiler, age 95!, about to start the climb!

Glen House can be seen over the person on the right's head. Already looks far away!

Aide station volunteers were GREAT!

Lots of runners taking "selfies" on this beautiful day!!! :)

Old Halfway House aide station.

All downhill from here :)

Looking back with Mt Adams & Madison.

The summit from "5 mile turn"

Looking back, just before the 6 mile mark.

Does this look steep???

This is such an amazing place!!!

The "Cow Pasture", longest "kinda flat stretch!

7 mile mark!!! :)


Summit and 6,000' :)

Gotta love the "HEADWALL"!

Peter greets me, takes my camera to record my finish! Great Guy for sure! Thank you Peter!

Made it once again! I'm beginning to love this place :)

Imagine all the stories out there! Tip Top House where Donna & I were married September 20, 2008 on a day with similiar weather!

In the center of the picture in red is Sarah Mae Berman working the finish line with her husband Larry across the way (out of the picture). If I understand it correctly, they founded the Cambridgr Sports Union! Sarah Mae was also one of the original women to run the Boston Marathon!

About time to head back down.

As we ride down, George continues up! He would finish in 3:28:41 and oldest finisher ever!

Mr New England Runner, Bob Fitzgerald, with woman's 65-69 winner Dot Helling!

CSU team members, left to right, Jackie Shakar, Donna Smyth, Eleonora Mendonca, Lisa Doucett and Suzy West.  Elenonora was inducted into the Hall of Fame this year! She won in '76, '77 & '78, setting the course record in '77 & '78! She also ran in the Los Angles Olympics for Brazil!

Former Mount Washington Race Director, Bob Teschek, presented Laurel with her Mountain Goat certificate and check for $75 for scoring the most points for women in the series...congratulations Laurel you are an amazing person! Laurell is the only runner to have completed EVERY race in the series since it began!

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