Saturday, August 3, 2024


              Northeast Delta Dental Mount Washington Road Race

                                     10th series – race 5 of 5 

                            Saturday, June 15, 2024 – Pinkham Notch, NH

From a previous ALTON WEAGLE DAY 

Another epic end to the 10th Northeast Uphill Mountain Series!

Thank you so very much to everyone that made this happen; Great Glen & Crew, Sponsors, Volunteers, Runners, their Family and Friends!!! 😎 


Congratulations to; Kevin, Jeff, Donna, Jackie, Freddi, Bob, Brian, Darrel, myself, Ed & Mary for becoming Mountain Goats and earning a lottery by-pass into the 2025 Northeast Delta Dental Mount Washington Road Race!!! 😊

By popular demand, there will be an 11th series! 

STANDINGS & Information is at the VERY BOTTOM, after the pictures.

The 11th series starts with the Race to the Top of Vermont Sunday, August 25th, followed by the Mt Greylock Road Race Sunday, September 1st; links below.

RACE TO THE TOP VT – Home (                 Mt Greylock Road Race 2023 – Berkshire Running Center  

Thank you so much to Joe Vigor for additional pictures. You can access Joe’s race pictures here…

 Joe Viger Photography (

Congratulations to Joe Gray & Kayla Lampe on their wins!!!

Joe becomes the first to win 8 times, congratulations!!!

Kayla Lampe breaks the tape to win for the Women!!!

As no one sent me a “story” about their day. I’ll share mine. It will be a replay of OUR (all of us) day on the HILL 😊

Donna & I rented a small Airbnb in Jackson with Suzy & Dorcas sharing some time with us 😊

Dorcas left early Saturday morning as she was volunteering at the summit.

 We left @ 6:46, Suzy left soon after in her car as she would head home right after the race.

 Arrived in the backed-up line @ 7:05.


As this springs high water had washed out some of the “trails/roads”. The base area has been/is being rebuild which challenged their parking plan! We were directed over some of these “trails/roads” to our parking location.

Parked @ 7:28 sunny and 55 degrees. Did the usual pre-race things; socializing, bathroom line, warm up…

Donna met Dianne Menard in line. We had never met her even though she has finished the race more than any other woman @ 38! Checking results Dianne DNF’d this year

Great to finally met Dianne and poise for a picture with us 😊

Good to know where the “secret” toilets are 😊

A lot of runners already lining up!

Approaching the start, I decide to relax, have fun, enjoy the day, take pictures and try to “beat the clock” 😊

Joe Gray goes by warming up…what will the day bring!?!?!?

The countdown begins…

And the lead runners sprint away with Joe Gray leading.

Linda Usher passes by.

Darrel gives thumbs up 😊

Ed sporting the race t-shirt 😊

After over 3 minutes of filming the start, I cross the timing mat and start the upward journey 😊

Looking back down to the starting area!

Great to see Frank, Gary and another runner 😊

How wonderful to see Ron this year!

Doug & Linda Usher always smiling, love it 😊

Ever upward!

Thank you to another runner that offered to take my picture 😊

Aide station @ the Old Halfway House site shortly before going above tree line!

Halfway is in a different place this year? Usually, another tenth of a mile or so further up.

Tremendous day and Great Views 😊

Fun seeing Paulette along the way 😊

Just past the 5-mile post, looking down @ the Old Halfway House sight with northern presidential summits in the clouds

Summit, upper right, also in the clouds @ the 5-mile turn.

Great to chat with Mary a bit along the way 😊

Mary, along with Linda and Elaine Dill won the 70+ Women’s category 😊

Clouds cover the summits of Jefferson and Adams 

Such an awesome day!!!

Love this!!! 😊

Such Beauty…feeling blessed!!!

Summit of Madison below the clouds on the right

The Cow pasture just below the clouds at this time.

Looking back down on the Cow pasture.

Ever upward @ the 7-mile mark!!! 😊

Cog tracks now visible, getting close!!! 😊

Gotta love the “flat spots” beyond 7 miles 😊

Wonderful sight!!!

Looks like Joe getting my picture as Ernest cheers me on 😊

The Home Stretch!!! 😊

Super thrilled, finishing about 15 minutes quicker than on Alton Weagle Day 😊 Working the finish area, Dorcas wrapped me in a blanket and assisted me along to find my summit bag as I am very cold w/frozen fingers! That’s what I get for taking pictures…Love it!!! 😊

LOTS of runners waiting in line for summit picture!

Here is the weather as I enter the summit house…20-degree wind chill! Explains why I’m shivering, which continues until halfway back down!

Always fun to get a picture with Freddie, Bob Dunfey over my right shoulder 😊

Great to finally meet up with Donna, teammate Suzy and “the other” Donna 😊😊😊

Good bye for now Old Friend!!!

    Back down in the big tent with Mary, Jackie, Deb, Dawn & Nancy…let the FUN begin (continue 😊)!!! 😊

We are all so very lucky to have Larry & Sara Mae helping out year after year @ the summit!!!

Creators of the Cambridge Sports Union!!!

Incoming Hug 😊

Ladies podium 😊

Men’s podium 😊

Ellen is one wonderful Lady!!! 😊

Fortunate to have Joe supporting us once more!!! 😊

Amber, Charlie &  Ollie’s Mom, was 3rd woman AND 1st NH woman’s finisher…congratulations!!! 😊

Nothing like a little “friendly competition, love Rich 😊

Are you happy we have completed another run??? SEE YOU @ RTTTOVT😊

Points for the Mount Washington Road Race: (1077 finishers)

 1)           Joe Gray            40M          1:02:21     100.00

     24)     Kayla Lampe      31F           1:15:02       83.10

    67)      Kevin                  55M          1:23:50       74.37

    135)   Jeff                      59M          1:36:16       64.77

    268)   Freddi                52F           1:48:25       57.51

    280)   Jackie         64F      1:49:31        56.93        2nd   60-64

    290)   Donna        64F       1:50:18        56.53        3rd   60-64

    315)   Bob                  71M           1:52:19        55.51

    357)   Carrie Mock    57F         1:54:47    54.32         3rd   55-59

    381)   Brian                62M             1:56:13        53.65

    447)   Trista                53F              2:00:30        51.74

    635)   Ellen                 56F              2:11:50        47.29

    662)   Darrel              66M             2:13:45        46.62

    839)   Fred                 77M             2:28:00        42.13

    895)   Mary                74F              2:33:39        40.58

    947)   Ed                    65M             2:40:59        38.73

    1039)   Doug            68M              3:03:42        33.94

    1041)   Linda            75F                3:03:43        33.94

     Points and standings after Mount Washington:

1)              Jeff                   344.11

2)              Kevin                310.79

3)              Donna              307.48

4)              Darrel               261.26

5)              Jackie                248.13

6)              Freddi                247.37

7)              Fred                    244.39

8)              Bob                     238.49

9)              Brian                   225.64

10)                      Ed                        219.98

11)                      Mary                   178.56

12)                      Trista                   164.68

13)                      Ellen                    149.72

14)                      Josh                     142.83

15)                      Linda & Doug     123.89

16)                      Sau-Mei              112.38

17)                      Carrie                  106.93



      Points for best 4 finishes:

1)              Kevin               310.79

2)              Jeff                   279.82

3)              Donna             251.35

4)              Jackie              248.13

5)              Freddi             247.37

6)              Bob                 238.49

7)              Brian               225.64

8)              Darrel              214.64

9)              Fred                 202.26

10)                      Ed                     181.25

11)                      Mary                178.56

12)                      Trista                164.68 (3)

13)                      Ellen                 149.72 (3)

14)                      Josh                   142.83(2)

15)                      Linda & Doug   123.89 (3)

16)                      Sau-Mei             112.38 (2)

17)                      Carrie                 106.93 (2)


     All time finishes for runners in THIS series: 

1)              Fred                                    65

2)              Jeff                                      39

3)              Donna                                 38

4)              Darrel                                  34

5)              Kevin                                    25

6)              Ed & Sau-Mei                      24

7)              Jackie                                    22

8)              Freddi, Brian & Bob            19

9)              Josh                                        16

10)                      Mary                                        4

11)                      Ellen, Trista, Linda & Doug   3

12)                      Carrie                                       2


     All time series points for Runners in THIS series:

1)              Jeff                      2830.41

2)              Fred                    2589.35

3)              Donna                2434.86

4)              Kevin                  1944.50

5)              Darrel                 1898.92

6)              Sau-Mei             1488.40

7)              Jackie                 1428.43

8)              Bob                     1286.11

9)              Josh                    1198.46

10)                      Freddi                1166.11

11)                      Brian                  1112.09

12)                      Ed                       1092.93

13)                      Mary                    178.56

14)                      Trista                    164.68

15)                      Ellen                     149.72

16)                      Linda & Doug     123.89

17)                      Carrie                   106.93

The 11th series will consist of the same 5 races (Mansfield, Greylock, Prospect, Ascutney and Washington) you must complete 4 to qualify for a lottery by-pass!

     Mount Washington  will count, IF you get in. In order to meet series requirements for MT Washington, you must enter the lottery. If you don’t get in email me your notice of not getting in and you will  still be considered  a “Mountain Goat” towards a lottery by-pass, if you complete the other races.

   Each “Mountain Goat” will also receive a custom certificate…suitable for framing!


Lottery by-pass:

       You must complete at least 4 races. 

Up to 30 runners will be able to earn a lottery by-pass into the 2026 Northeast Delta Dental Mount Washington Road Race. 

If fewer than 30 runners join the series, all will have a chance. If more, the first 30 to join will be eligible to receive a by-pass, after the first 30, additional members will be put on waiting list.  

To clarify, if one of the first 30 runners to sign-up doesn’t complete the requirements, the next person who qualifies for a lottery by-pass moves up, etc. 

Placement of your entry into the series will be determined by the date and time your sign-up email is received by me AFTER “the checks are in the mail”. 

Send an email to to let me know and you wish to join. 

After you complete each race, email your time to me, PLEASE! 

Times will be as listed in the official results, so if you disagree with your time, you must straighten it out with the RD.  

I will calculate and keep track of points, etc.


Requirements to join the series:

1)           Send a tax-deductible check for $15 made out to “America Trail Running Association” (ATRA), PO Box 9454, Colorado Springs, CO 80932 

OR you may join for $25/year link here Individual Memberships — ATRA (  

Please indicate “neuhms - team support” on your check memo line



2)          Send a tax-deductible check for $15 made out to Mount Washington Observatory, PO Box 2310, North Conway, NH 03860

OR you may join for $25/year link here Mount Washington Observatory | Membership       

Please indicate “Northeast Uphill Mountain Series” on your check memo line


Tremendous thanks to the Mount Washington Auto Road for the lottery by-passes! If your going to be in their area, please be sure to check and see what’s going on!   


Thanks to my local club, the Red Clover Rovers for providing money for the “Mountain Goat” certificates you will receive after the series is completed.   


Placement will be based on total points from your best 4 races (which is how everyone will be scored).  Whoever wins the race gets 100 points; everyone else’s points will be calculated by dividing the winner’s time by your own. Example: winner’s time is 1 hour, yours is 2 hours. Your points would be 50.00.


Let others know about the series that you think might be interested and HAVE FUN!

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